You may have heard the term ‘mind-body connection’ thrown around a bit lately in the public media and from some medical doctors.
Much of the research has now proven that our every thought, feeling, mood and belief crosses the bridge from our mental to our physical body.
Put simply, our entire system is a feedback loop, with only two factors to know:
Input and output.
Input enters the brain and output exits the brain (our thoughts.)
Each of us wants to know the right kind of input that’ll affect us…
Pure food, air and water, positive emotions, strong self-esteem, low stress and good coping skills in the face of stress, moderate exercise, good sleep, loving and supportive relationships, inner contentment, lack of conflict and tensions, satisfying work, meditation, abstaining from alcohol, tobacco and recreational drug, minimising prescription drugs and healing old wounds and self-destructive conditioning.
Although none of these things seem new, after decades of public information about prevention and the rise of the wellness movement, we do know it all – but do we know about why these changes work?
The problem is that the information isn’t the same as the motivation. People may know what’s good for them, but we continue to live otherwise. The most common kinds of negative input remain the mainstay in the lives of people who sincerely want to change, including overuse of alcohol, tobacco, drugs, eating processed and junk foods, tolerating high stress, going short on sleep and little exercise.
Researchers who survey the well-being of our the world has a top category known as ‘thriving.’
These people describe themselves as happy, safe, financially secure, and healthy – in short they are enjoying a level of well-being that most people would consider the basic minimum. Yet the percentage of people who are actually thriving is sadly low – around 10-15 percent. Why the gap?
No amount of preaching about these things will work over the long run. Prevention implies a level of fear, and fear is a bad motivator except in short bursts. The body resists being in a chronic state of stress, and worrying about your health is a form of stress.
The only successful long-term motivator is inspiration. But this too, can flicker in and out of our lives.
In my nutritional practice, the last thing I want to do is motivate my patients by ‘fear.’ I’ve always strived to motivate through inspiration which is Less Stress for everyone! And perhaps through inspiration, some changes may stick purely because we learn value ourselves with such conviction that we like and enjoy the experience of giving our mind and body positive inputs all the time.
Over the next coming weeks, I am excited to share with you some of the cutting edge ways (which may be different to what you commonly hear) on how you can reach a point in your life where you are actually ‘thriving!’
These ideas I will share with you, discussed by Rudolph E. Tanzi, Professor of Neurology, Genetics and Ageing at Harvard Medical School and Deepak Chopra, who you may of heard of as the doctor who started to ask deeper questions about our health.
What these guys have come up with through their studies into our health really are fascinating to say the least and may create a paradigm shift in your own health and wellbeing so that you too can flourish and thrive!
Subscribe to this blog, share it and stay tuned to hear more about their amazing findings and the step by step processes that we can all do to ‘get the edge’ in our lives.
Meanwhile, If you have any questions on your personal situation, head over to the Nutrition For Life Community and ask me question. Just ask to join first. I am only to happy to help you.